This is the second blog in the blog series "getting started with yaswedo". In this blog we will show you how to hire employees through yaswedo and assign bill rates. By assigning bill rates to your employees you can keep track of how much a job is costing you in terms of dollars.
In subsequent blogs we cover how you can use the yaswedo webapp to keep track of your team's efficiency.
This blog is broken into two parts. Part 1 is written from the team leader or employer's perspective. Part 2 is written from the potential employee's perspective. Part 3 discusses how to add bill and travel rates to your employees and is written from the employer or team lead's perspective.
Part 1: Sending the hire request
Part 2: Accepting the new hire request.
Part 3: Assigning bill rates to your employees.
Please note, in order to properly follow the steps outlined below, your employee must already be registered with the yaswedo platform as a potential employee. This is can be done by creating an account in the yasmen app. the app is avaliable on the itunes store at: Alternatively, it can be found on the android store at:
If you need help getting started with yaswedo, the steps are detailed in the previous blog post.
PART 1: Sending the hire request
Make sure the employee you want to hire has an account on the yaswedo platform. yasmen.
Make sure the employee you want to hire has an account on yasmen.
Get the email that they used to sign up for the account. This is their userid on the yaswedo platform.
In the yaswedo iOS app go to the employee page. Go to the new employee screen by clicking on the green plus icon. **We are working on enabling the safe functionality via the yaswedo webapp so you can manage your team from anywhere!

Enter the employee's user name in the email field and click search in the top right hand of the page. Here, clicking the search button will cause the app to search the specialists on the yaswedo platform for users with the email address you entered. If the email address you entered does not exist on the platform, you will receive an error message.
Enter the employee's user name in the email field and click search in the top right hand of the page.

If the email address is found, the app will show you relevant employee details associated with the email that you entered. It is important to review these details to make sure that you are hiring the correct individual to be part of you team.
If the email address is found, the app will show you relevant employee details associated with the email that you entered.

Clicking hire will send a notification to the individual with a request to be part of your team. We designed the yaswedo platform so that hiring an employee is like "sending a friend request" on other more familiar platforms such as facebook.
Clicking hire will send a notification to the individual with a request to be part of your team.
PART 2: Accepting the new hire request
Once a potential employer has send you a hire request, you will receive a push notification on your mobile device.

Go into the yasmen app on their phone. Under notifications they will have the option perform an action on your new hire request (e.g., accept or reject your offer).
PART 3: Assigning bill rates to your employee
Once your new hire has performed an action (e.g., accept or reject) on your hire request, you will receive a notification indicating that he has performed an action. In the example below, I accepted the offer.

Swiping right on this notification will take you directly to the yaswedo app on your phone. Your notifications will indicate the action performed and your employees screen will show you that your employees have been updated. Clicking on your new employee's name will show you their employee details. On this screen, you will also see the activities that you've assigned to them. But as I've just hired Mike and he hasn't been assigned him any activities yet, there is nothing under activities. We'll show will cover reassigning activities in a subsequent blog post.
Based on our beta testing, we found that most of our customers often assign two different bill rates to their employees. One is rate that they are paid while they are traveling to and from a job and the other is a bill rate that they are paid while they are actively working on an activity.
Here, I will being paying mike $5.0/hr while he's traveling and $13.0/hr while he is actually working.
The travel rate is rate your employ is paid while they are traveling to and from a job. the bill rate is the rate that your employee is paid while they are actively working on an activity.
And thats it, now i'm ready to assign Mike to activities and monitor my team's efficiency in real time through the yaswedo platform. We'll cover those tools in a subsequent blog post so stay tuned.